Flaminia Ferlito is pursuing a PhD in Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage at IMT, Institute for Advanced Studies in Lucca. Her research primarily focuses on the history and preservation of the cultural heritage associated with the Fondo Edifici di Culto (FEC) department of the Ministry of Interior Affairs in Rome. Specifically, she explores the dispersion of FEC's patrimony in the art market between Italy and the US following the anticlerical laws. Flaminia conducted case studies from prominent museums on the West and East Coast during her time at Berkeley University of California, which was made possible by a scholarship from the Erasmus+ Program.
Having graduated with honours in History of Art from Sapienza University of Rome, Flaminia furthered her education with two master's degrees. The first, obtained in 2019, focused on Administrative Law and New Technologies for Cultural Heritage, sponsored by the Faculty of Law at Sapienza University. Subsequently, in 2020, she earned a master's in Art Management from Luiss Business School in Rome.
Throughout her academic journey, Flaminia gained diverse work experiences in both public and private institutions. In 2019, she was a part of the Ministry of Interior in Rome, contributing to cataloguing artistic objects within FEC. Additionally, she served as a scientific committee assistant for the 2020 Raffaello exhibitions held at the Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome in collaboration with the Galleria Degli Uffizi of Florence.
She is particularly interested in researching:
- The history of art collections,
- Provenance in the art market,
- The management of cultural heritage,
- The correlation between iconology and the history of Early Modern Art.