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Incoming Visiting Student

Single Courses for Visiting Students

The IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca gives students the opportunity to take courses for free.
Only students who are currently enrolled or already graduated in a university can apply to the Visiting students program.
Applicants will be evaluated based on their overall profile (GPA, cv, etc.).


When to apply

Requests for enrollment can be submitted up to 15 days before the start of the course; acceptance of requests received thereafter cannot be guaranteed


How to apply

  1. Check the course calendar to find the course(s) you are interested in.
  2. Fill in the online form and click on "send" (please fill in one new form for each course).
  3. You will be required to enter your personal data, contacts and information on your academic curriculum.


List of documents you need to apply:

  • Your CV with passport-size picture



In order to complete the enrolment, you will receive an automatic email and will be required to fill out another online form.
In case of in-person participation, you will also be required to sign a document at the PhD and Higher Education Office (Piazza San Ponziano, 6 Lucca) before starting to attend the course(s) you have chosen.


Other information

To enquire about the availability of accommodation and/or to book the canteen at a special rate, please email