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Strengthening Resilience in Peripheral Areas. Some New Field Research Findings in the Region Tajima, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan

27 February 2023
11:00 am
San Ponziano Complex - Conference Room

Italy, Japan and East Germany belong to the world's regions with the oldest population. This is especially true for peripheral regions. In the summer 2022, Matthias Theodor Vogt was invited by the newly founded Prefectural College of Arts and Tourism at Toyooka, Japan, to research on how to strengthen resilience in the surrounding peripheral area of Tajima, and was asked to develop a research master plan. Matthias Theodor Vogt will introduce to the specific situation in a Japanese peripheral region, and discuss with the students wether, and in which forms, the research master plan might be adapted to Italian and other peripheral regions, too.


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Matthias Theodor Vogt, Saxonian Institute for Cultural Infrastructures