Grinding stones, Tribology and Starchy Food. The Recipe for Homo sapiens Evolutionary Success19 December 2019In our enthusiasm for subsistence, we forgot about food. (Sherratt, 1991: 221) The talk is meant to...
PhD Thesis Defense - Management and Development of Cultural Heritage19 December 2019Francesca Pajno - The perception of ancient monuments in an urban context: the case of the Imperial...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage17 December 2019Felicia Caponigri - Fashion design objects as cultural property in Italy and in the United States
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage17 December 2019George–Adrian Iordăchescu , Wilderness Production in the Romanian Carpathians: Towards a...
LYNX Research Seminar: Forms of History, History of Forms16 December 2019Speakers CARLO GINZBURG Professor Emeritus University of California Los Angeles CHRISTIAN GRECO...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering16 December 2019Nilay Saraf - Bounded-Variable Least-Squares Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Model Predictive...
PhD Thesis Defense - Management and Development of Cultural Heritage13 December 2019Chiara Iorino - Maria, Medea e le altre: I volti ambivalenti della madre. Feminist re-articulations...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics13 December 2019Luca Mantegazza - Human Capital and Collective Political Events
Vision from fly to man13 December 2019Comparative vision is rarely discussed in mainstream undergraduate perception classes. This is...
Introduction to mechanistic models of sensory processes12 December 2019This lecture assumes no prior knowledge and is aimed at motivated undergraduates with an interest...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage12 December 2019Marta Equi Pierazzini - A Legacy Without a Will. Feminist Organising as a Transformative Practice
Technological change, soft skills and future high skilled jobs12 December 2019Online boundary work: Performing participatory practices in news production - Prof. Elena Raviola...
PhD Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences11 December 201910.00 am, Giada Lettieri - Brain topography, connectivity dynamics and coding mechanisms underlying...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage10 December 2019Ginevra Addis - The re-identification of pop art: its reception from an Italian perspective
The Behavioralist Goes Door-To-Door: Understanding Household Technological Diffusion Using a Theory-Driven Natural Field Experiment6 December 2019This paper uses a field experiment to estimate behavioral parameters from a structural model of res...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage6 December 2019Silvia Massa - The musealisation of prints and drawings and the birth of Gabinetti disegni e stampe...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage2 December 2019Pakhee Kumar - Learning from the Past and Preparing for the Future: Cases and Tools for Cultural...
Un'immagine tutta per sé. Fotografia, Donne, Femminismo.30 November 2019Un’immagine tutta per sé. Fotografia, Donne, Femminismo Ore 15.00 RAFFAELLA PERNA - Genealogie...
Efficient Inexact Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Guarantees and their Implementation in acados.28 November 2019Nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) is an optimization-based control strategy that relies on...
Convegno Ruskin 20028 November 2019La Scuola IMT, l'Università di Firenze, l' Alma Mater Studiorum | Università di Bologna, l'...
Being on the Border. History and Theory of Cut in Humanities and Social Sciences 26 November 2019LYNX - Center for the interdisciplinary Analysis of Images Winter School 2019 IMT School for...
Perpetual, decentralized management of digital objects for collaborative open science – conclusions from the project25 November 2019The project aims to foster collaborative open science projects investigating the...
Reproducible Science: a dev ops take on science and research21 November 2019Scientific results are the pillars of the next wave of results. It is imperative to be able to...
Biases in decision-making under risk. Evidence from field experiments with lottery tickets 20 November 2019I will report results of a series of field experiments, in which participants had to choose between...
Welcome Day - Dal mondo a Lucca: la Scuola IMT accoglie i nuovi allievi18 November 2019La comunità della Scuola dà il benvenuto ai nuovi allievi.
Colonialism and its Images15 November 2019The first joint research seminar between IMT School of Advanced Studies, Lucca and Sant’Anna School...
Advances in Decomposition Strategies for Large-Scale Optimization6 November 2019We present a new family of strategies that decompose large optimization problems by exploiting...
Productivity growth in Italy: a tale of a slow-motion change6 November 2019Productivity is the main factor holding back long-term economic growth in Italy. Since the second...
Neurofind: Using deep learning technology to make individualised inferences in brain disorders 6 November 2019Technology companies such as Google, Facebook and Apple have long been using deep learning...
GAME Science Winter School2 November 2019Organized by: CMON ltd ( ) IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca Comics & Games (...
9th ENCATC Working Group on Evaluation30 October 2019This Experts’ Group meeting will bring together academics, researchers, consultants, European...
TOFFEE Workshop #124 October 2019TOFFEE (TOols for Fighting FakEs) is an internal project, funded by IMT School For Advanced Studies...
Influence of Fake News in the US Presidential Election24 October 2019We investigate the influence of fake and traditional fact-based news in Twitter during the 2016 US...
Machine learning for malware detection and classification: benefits, limitations and future directions21 October 2019To detect and classify malware is a very hard task rich of pitfalls and obstacles: for this reason...
Biases in decision-making under risk. Evidence from field experiments with lottery tickets20 October 2019The talk will report results of a series of field experiments, in which participants had to choose...
Structures loaded with a force acting along a line, or 'the Reut's column problem'18 October 2019An elastic double pendulum subject to a force acting along a fixed straight line, the so-called “...
Storia dell’arte e “oltremondo”11 October 2019Videoartisti come Bill Viola, cineasti come Peter Greenaway, Akira Kurosawa e Lech Majewski. Che...
Finite State Expansion: an analytical approach to the problem of convergence4 October 2019In the last decades there has been a growing interest towards the problem of the approximation of...
Finite State Expansion: an analytical approach to the problem of convergence4 October 2019In the last decades there has been a growing interest towards the problem of the approximation of...
Tree Structured Traffic Coordination with Decentralized Optimization3 October 2019Traffic coordination problem has recently attracted increasing research interest, and there are...
Conformance Testing as a Tool for Designing Connected Vehicle Functions3 October 2019Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) are taking a central position in the landscape of...
BRIGHT 2019 - La Notte Europea delle Ricercatrici e dei Ricercatori in Toscana27 September 2019Si rinnova l'appuntamento con "Bright", la Notte delle Ricercatrici e dei Ricercatori in Toscana,...
Artificial intelligence, algorithmic pricing and collusion25 September 2019Pricing algorithms are increasingly replacing human decision making in real marketplaces. To inform...
Synthesizing the embodied self: A robotics perspective23 September 2019This talk will consider the specific challenge of synthesizing a robot “sense of self”. The...
Perspectives on markets and privacy in crypto-finance20 September 2019This seminar features a selection of completed and ongoing research works at the intersection of...
A general dynamic model of a complete milk pasteurizer unit with fouling and CIP models integrated12 September 2019Milk fouling is a common problem in pasteurization process. Periodic cleanings needed to restore...
Looking at exhibitions. Archives, databases and visualisation5 September 2019Abstract will be published soon.
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage30 July 2019Carla Ardis Ancient Roman coarse ware in the Regio X and beyond. An archaeological approach to...
PhD Thesis Defense - Management and Development of Cultural Heritage29 July 2019Andreea Andrei Images as Sites of Subversion: the Passion of Christ in the Orthodox ecclesiastical...
Nuovi scenari per patrimoni monastici dismessi. Casi lucchesi tra memorie monastiche ed eredità pucciniana25 July 2019PROMOTORI Dipartimento di Architettura - Università di Bologna ( ) FAM - Fondazione...
Fully Atomistic Multiscale Approaches for the Computational Spectroscopy of Complex Systems: Status and Perspectives23 July 2019The computational modeling of molecular spectra of complex systems interacting with an external...
Machine Learning Security in the Cyberspace22 July 2019The management of the security in the cyberspace requires the use of a variety of tools for the...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science19 July 2019Soumali Roychowdhury Supervised and Semi-Supervised Learning in Vision using Deep Neural Networks
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Management and Data Science11 July 2019Joint PhD Degree with KU Leuven Helena Kreuter The Politics of Globalization
Allegories of a shipwreck. Truth, falsehood and fiction in Damien Hirst’s recent works.10 July 2019Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable was a huge exhibition held in 2017 by internationally...
Phase field methods of fracture in heterogeneous media and structures: a combined bulk-interface-like crack method10 July 2019Heterogeneity is present in most of natural and engineering systems. In this contribution, I...
Temporal modes of synchronization in the dynamic core network at rest9 July 2019Recent MEG studies showed that the integration of resting state networks relies on two fundamental...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Management and Data Science5 July 2019Carolina Becatti Essays on statistical methods for the analysis of social networks
Sensorimotor learning of manipulation: Task and effector representations5 July 2019Humans’ ability to adapt movements to task requirements and environmental constraints has been...
The origin and role of sensorimotor representations4 July 2019The talk will deal with the association learning between movements and sensory consequences of the...
Sensorimotor hand function: Control and neural mechanisms3 July 2019Sensorimotor hand function can be described as a multidimensional space where mechanical, neural,...
Circuit Dysfunction in Rett Syndrome from Mouse to Human 2 July 2019My work is dedicated in understanding the mechanisms underlying experience-dependent visual circuit...
The Iranian Ulema and the Ottoman Empire during the Iranian Constitutional Movement (1906-1911)21 June 2019In Qajar Iran such as the Ottoman empire, one of the main reformist ideas that emerged in the XIX...
Legalità economica e crisi aziendale: la difesa dell’economia e la tutela dell’imprenditorialità20 June 2019Il sistema economico si configura sempre più alla stregua di un bene di natura intangibile di...
International Buyers’ Sourcing and Suppliers’ Markups in Bangladeshi Garments19 June 2019Large international buyers play a key role in global value chains. We exploit detailed transaction-...
The origin and future of economic inequality18 June 2019What can we learn about the likely future trajectory of economic disparities from an understanding...
The Workshop Complexity72h 201917 June 2019The Workshop Complexity72h is an interdisciplinary event whose aim is to bring together young...
Ecce Homo Moralis: How people care about doing the right thing, independently of its economic consequences12 June 2019Decades of experimental research show that people often pay costs to help others, even in one-shot...
PhD Graduation Ceremony 20197 June 2019WELCOME REMARKS Ilaria Maria Vietina Councillor for education policies, Municipality of Lucca...
Il Family Office6 June 2019L’economista Nicola Lattanzi presenta il suo volume, che affronta i mutamenti in corso nello...
War, Taxation and Representation: Evidence from Six Centuries of German History5 June 2019This paper provides causal evidence for the effect of conflicts on the development of...
AFNI Bootcamp 20193 June 2019The IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca organizes an AFNI Bootcamp, as a satellite event of the...
Metal and intellectual thought: Exploring the convergence between thinking/writing/experience in first-century BCE Latin texts30 May 2019How vividly did ancient Romans understand the overlapping and entangled relationship between humans...
Topological Data Analysis: from data to Knowledge30 May 2019An enormous amount of heterogeneous and distributed data, the so-called Big Data, are continuously...
Physicians and slaves: Oriental studies between Florence, Pisa and Livorno in the seventeenth century28 May 2019This paper is a microanalysis of the genesis and printing process of Francesco Redi’s Experiments...
Contagious defaults in credit portfolios: a network approach27 May 2019Portfolio credit risk models estimate the range of potential losses due to defaults or...
Presentazione del libro «Mostre permanenti». Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti in un secolo di esposizioni24 May 2019Venerdì 24 maggio alle ore 18, nella Sala conferenze ‘Vincenzo da Massa Carrara’ in via San...
AISC midterm conference 201922 May 2019In recent years, the exploration of the cognitive and neurobiological foundations of rational...
Reachability, Feasibility, Scheduling16 May 2019Will we ever have a reliable model of human behaviour? Never mind the rhetorical question, humans...
Between Cooperation and Self-Seeking Behaviors: How Individuals Build and Mobilize their Network in Collaborative Spaces14 May 2019Drawing on the network perspective of creativity (for a review, see Perry-Smith & Mannucci,...
A Subsampling Line-Search Method with Second-Order Results14 May 2019In many contemporary optimization problems, such as parameter training for deep learning...
Direct data-driven design of switching controllers13 May 2019Switching linear models can be used to represent the behavior of time-varying and nonlinear systems...
Transnationalism and Identity13 May 2019Our agenda in this seminar will be concerned with transformations occurring as a consequence of...
JoTTO Fair 2019 9 May 2019Si svolgerà venerdì 10 maggio la seconda edizione di JoTTo Fair , l’evento di incontro tra il mondo...
Competing for a Quiet Life: An Organizational Theory of Market Structure8 May 2019"Competing for a Quiet Life: An Organizational Theory of Market Structure”, joint work with Andrew...
Pluralizing Official Heritage Discourse: The Case of Land Walls of Istanbul6 May 2019In this seminar, Asu Aksoy will focus on how the significance and the meaning of the Land Walls as...
La sicurezza dei pazienti e la qualità dei servizi nella transizione alla sanità digitale6 May 2019Evento in collaborazione con l'Azienda USL Toscana nord ovest.
Human reconstruction of local image structure from natural scenes3 May 2019Retinal projections often poorly represent the structure of the physical world: well-defined...
Heritage and ‘Urban Renewal’ in Istanbul30 April 2019In this seminar the focus will be on how the official heritage discourse in Turkey with its stress...
Portfolio Management and Optimal Execution via Convex Optimization30 April 2019In this talk I discuss the problem of managing a portfolio of financial assets in time, using...
Global Value Chains: The Economics of Spiders and Snakes29 April 2019The full abstract will be published shortly.
Drilling in reinforced concrete: An overview17 April 2019Drilling in steel reinforced concrete is an important but very challenging application in the...
Price updating with production networks17 April 2019We provide a general non-parametric framework of variable markups in the presence of production...
Presentazione del libro "Il Family Office. Scenari e nuove frontiere per la gestione e valorizzazione del patrimonio-azienda familiare"16 April 2019Il volume, a cura del Prof. Nicola Lattanzi (Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre Editore) affronta i mutamenti...
Facial beauty and statistical inference12 April 2019Facial attractiveness is a paradigm of a complex phenomenon depending on many variables through...
Tuscany and the transculturation of Middle Eastern objects11 April 2019In these seminars I shall consider the phenomenon of transculturation through an art-historical...
Feature-based categorical coding in human visual cortex: Evidence from similarities and differences between human vision and deep neural networks9 April 2019Humans are able to parse the complex flow of visual information into meaningful objects that can be...
Cybersecurity e giochi di ruolo attaccanti-difensori8 April 2019L'evento è dedicato agli studenti delle scuole superiori La Cybersecurity è diventato un argomento...
Un mondo di reti4 April 2019L'evento è dedicato agli studenti delle scuole superiori Che cosa hanno in comune il sudoku, gli...
Misallocation in the Market for Inputs: Enforcement and the Organization of Production3 April 2019The strength of contract enforcement determines how firms source inputs and organize production...
Inaugurazione Anno Accademico 2018-20192 April 2019Chiesa di San Francesco - Piazza San Francesco, Lucca ore 16.00 PROGRAMMA DEI LAVORI Indirizzi di...
Model Predictive Control - Student Seminars 1 April 2019To compliment the course held by Prof. Alberto Bemporad - "Model Predictive Control" - some of the...
Robotics for Rehabilitation, Biomechanics and Technologies in Sports Medicine: scientific and technological opportunities and challenges28 March 2019A better understanding of the neural substrates that underlie motor recovery after neurological...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering28 March 2019" Relative expressiveness of calculi for reversible concurrency " Doriana Medic
A Formal Approach to Physics-Based Attacks in Cyber-Physical Systems26 March 2019I report on ongoing work in which we have been applying formal methods to lay and streamline...
Accreditamento: esperienze a confronto26 March 2019L'incontro si inserisce in una serie di attività promosse dalla Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca nell'...
Formalizing the Human Dimension of Cybersecurity25 March 2019The Internet is such a big part of our lives today that it’s hard to imagine that we once did...
Cognition, rationality, and pro-social behavior22 March 2019Cognition, rationality, and pro-social behavior 22 March 2019 IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca...
Learning and Selfconfirming Equilibrium in Network Games 20 March 2019Consider a set of agents who play a network game repeatedly. Agents may not know the network. They...
New Trends in Statistical Physics15 March 2019This seminar series features the following speakers: 9:00 am Riccardo Di Clemente Royal Society,...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering15 March 2019"Equivalences in differential and algebraic systems: theoretical and practical" Stefano Tognazzi
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Management and Data Science14 March 2019" Entropy-based methods to tackle missing information in complex networks " Federica Parisi
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering14 March 2019" Critical Phenomena in Multilayer Networks " Giacomo Rapisardi
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Management and Data Science14 March 2019" Analysing Mesoscale Structures in Economic and Financial Networks " Jeroen van Lidth De Jeude
Il cervello dipendente13 March 2019L'evento è dedicato agli studenti delle scuole superiori Il recente sviluppo di sofisticate...
Direct data-driven design of switching controllers13 March 2019Switching linear models can be used to represent the behavior of time-varying and nonlinear systems...
The Cognitive Foundations of Cooperation13 March 2019Why do some individuals cooperate with their fellow human beings while others take advantage of...
Passing-through Taxes Beyond Borders with a Cobra Effect 13 March 2019Does the tax pass-through effect go beyond borders? We use firm-level prices to analyze the...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Management and Data Science11 March 2019" The Mobility of Scientists and Inventors: Patterns and Determinants " Luca Verginer
Crack tracking algorithms based on a viscous regularization of the quasi-static 3D fracture propagation problem11 March 2019The quasi-static fracture propagation problem has been extensively investigated in analogy with...
Settimana Mondiale del Cervello 201911 March 2019Un vero e proprio viaggio nel cervello alla ricerca della mente: questo è il filo conduttore del...
PhD Thesis Defense - Image Analysis28 February 2019"Cancer tissue classification from DCE-MRI data using pattern recognition techniques" Maria...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering25 February 2019"Dynamic homogenization of composite viscoelastic materials" Rosaria Del Toro
Auxetics and Shape Morphing Mechanical Metamaterials 25 February 2019Auxetics defines a class of materials and structures that exhibit a negative Poisson’s ratio...
Micromorphic vs. strain and stress gradient continuum theories25 February 2019Germain's general micromorphic theory of order n is extended to fully non-symmetric higher order...
Cross-Level BPaaS Matchmaking and Selection13 February 2019This talk will start with a short introduction of the CloudSocket project, which dealt with the...
Productivity, (Mis)allocation and Trade13 February 2019We examine the impact of international trade on aggregate productivity. We show theoretically and...
Affine scaling Interior Point methods for linear and nonlinear bound-constrained least-squares problems12 February 2019Many applications, e.g. nonnegative image restoration, contact problems for mechanical systems,...
Patrimonio culturale e nuove tecnologie12 February 2019L'evento è dedicato agli studenti delle scuole superiori La rapida evoluzione delle nuove...
Collective organization of networked phase oscillators: explosive synchronization, dynamically interdependent networks and Bellerophon states12 February 2019I will try to discuss the spontaneous emergence of some complex collective dynamics in networked...
Structured phase field models11 February 2019Phase-field models have been successfully used to predict crack propagations through the...
Centralising decentralisation: Misleading incentives in blockchain-based systems6 February 2019Blockchains are distributed systems that allow to store trustworthy information without the pre-...
Unsupervised temporal learning governs the development of complex cells in primary visual cortex 5 February 2019In mammals, visual perception relies on cortical representations of visual objects that remain...
LYNX Seminar with Professors Carlo Ginzburg, Luca Giuliani, Alessandro Del Puppo29 January 2019Tuesday, January 29th 2019 Cappella Guinigi - San Francesco Complex Carlo Ginzburg Forgery and Its...
Backward Invariance for Linear Differential Algebraic Equations 24 January 2019Differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) are a widespread dynamical model that describes...
Export Modes and Adjustments to Exchange Rate Movements23 January 2019This paper offers micro-economic foundations for the different impact that exchange rate movements...
The Red Line. Subway Design and Milanese Modernism21 January 2019My paper consists of a long essay revolving around two case studies that are intertwined: "MM...
Presentazione del bando "100 ricercatori per la cultura"18 January 2019L'evento avra' come obiettivo quello di illustrare gli elementi chiave del bando di prossima...
The Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage and the Italian Task Force "Unite4Heritage"18 January 2019The Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (TPC) is the first Police...
Bitcoin, blockchains and DLT applications17 January 2019Nowadays there are more than 1 thousand and an half cryptocurrencies and (public) blockchains with...
Financial Constraints and Propagation of Shocks in Production Networks16 January 2019"Financial Constraints and Propagation of Shocks in Production Networks" co-authored with Banu...
Biography of the objects: dialogue between Egyptology and Sciences.15 January 2019Scientific investigations are an increasingly important part of Archaeological and Egyptological...
Material culture and social inclusion: creation of a sustainable cultural landscape14 January 2019The primary duty of a museum is to preserve heritage features of outstanding universal value for...
Le scoperte scientifiche e tecnologiche al servizio dell'umanita': dall'esperienza del Kuwait all'esperienza dell'Italia12 January 2019Un evento ideato per conoscere da vicino alcuni esempi virtuosi di come - a livello internazionale...
A General Equilibrium Theory of Capital Structure9 January 2019We develop a general equilibrium theory of the capital structures of banks and firms. The liquidity...
L'analisi, la misurazione e la comunicazione dei rischi per la sicurezza dei pazienti8 January 2019Laboratorio di formazione per Staff e Referenti dipartimentali Qualita' e Sicurezza, Azienda USL...