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Building a new archaeology: the impact of development-led archaeology on our understanding of the past and on archaeological practice. A view from the United Kingdom.

24 May 2023
10:00 am
San Francesco Complex - classroom 2

In 1990 Planning Policy Guidance Note 16 (PPG16), stated the principle of development-led archaeology and shaped the evolution of commercial archaeology, leading to the emergence of professional archaeological companies.

Within this framework, MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) was born as the archaeological service of the Museum of London Archaeology and is now one of the biggest companies in the Country, involved in several large-scale infrastructure projects. In this talk, the A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet Improvements, one of MOLA’s most significant ongoing projects, will be presented as a case study.

The seminar will discuss selected preliminary results of the excavation and analysis and will show how these archaeological discoveries are leading to novel insight onto the area’s ancient history and are changing the way we investigate it; some important methodological improvements, potentially transforming our approach to archaeological research, will be explored as well.

Broadening the vision, benefits and challenges of commercial archaeology will be examined, discussing some general topics (public benefits of archaeology/new development, archives and metadata, conservation and display of finds) as well as presenting some challenging issues (role of the archaeologists, publication and research).


Join at:

Carla Ardis, Museum of London Archaeology