I obtained my Ph.D. (XXIX cycle) at the IMT School for Advanced Studies (Lucca) in “Computer, Decision, and Systems Science” track in March 2017.
I was a member of the SysMA (System Modelling and Analysis) research unit and I collaborated with the HPC lab at ISTI-CNR (Pisa), lead by Raffaele Perego.
I was born in 1987 near Treviso (Italy). After attending the High School for scientific studies, I decided to opt for Management Engineering at the University of Udine, where I obtained my Bachelor's Degree in 2009 and the Master’s in 2012.
The Faculty I chose made possible for me to deal with a great number of different fields of expertise: Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, Economics, Industrial Management, as well as Statistics.
My Bachelor’s thesis was mainly focused on Business Quality Management and in particular it analysed the ISO 9000 standards and certification procedures. In my Master's thesis I decided to mainly deal with the study of forecasting models and their processes, by linking a research activity on mathematical models and statistical forecasting methods, based on the analysis of time series, with the management skills acquired during my studies, and even with the evaluation of some real business case studies.
In IMT I worked with CNR (ISTI-HPC) under the supervision of Claudio Lucchese on the following research topics: Web Mining, Online Social Network and Social Media Analysis. In my Ph.D. thesis I studied how to extract knowledge about topics, opinions of the users and dynamics of polarised communities and conversations in Online Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr).
My profiles on Google Scholar, DBLP and on Linkedin.