Interdisciplinary Complex Networks

1 Assistant Professor position
(Deadline January 2nd, 2018 12:00 )

Networks, Statistical Physics, Economic, Finance, Brain Networks


The candidate is expected:
To conduct research relevant to IMT’s strategy and contribute to the overall research performance of the School, carrying out research leading to the publishing of work in high-quality journals. To generate independent and original research within the specialist areas listed below and to contribute to the overall research performance of the School by publishing in leading international journals and conferences, by producing measurable outputs including bidding for funding and by recruiting and supervising postgraduate research students.  
The candidate is expected to conduct research in the areas relevant to Network group, including: Human Functional and Structural Brain Networks, Modelling and analysis of complex networks with particular attention to the  Econophysics field, Dynamical processes on Networks with interdisciplinary applications.Moreover, she/he will teach postgraduate courses and co-supervise PhD students.


The candidate must provide an established expertise and proven portfolio of research within one or more of the following research fields:
*) Advanced analysis of functional (BOLD signal) and structural (DTI) human brain networks in health and psychiatric/neurological disorders, with particular attention to the temporal and multilevel aspects of brains architecture using the recent techniques developed in the field of Network Theory and Statistical Physics.
*) Modelling and statistical analysis of complex networks, as well as general techniques of statistical physics for the analysis of several kinds of datasets, particularly financial and economic: randomisations techniques to disentangle real network properties and statistical effect of linear and non linear constraints; community detection approaches to evaluate the structural network organization; analysis of network temporal properties.
*) Dynamical process and spreading mechanisms on graphs with interdisciplinary applications: epidemiological studies, analysis of technological networks, information diffusion phenomena.

Formal requirements

The candidate must possess a postgraduate degree at PhD level in a subject area relevant to Network Analysis and the use of analitic techniques, particularly in the field of Neuroscience and Econophysics and be suitable for the inclusion in the competition sector 01/A6 - Operations Research and Scientific Disciplinary Sector MAT/09 - Operations Research. An excellent level of both written and spoken English is mandatory.

Specific requirements

Solid background in the field of complex systems. Ability to work with large amount of data. Consolidated experience in numerical simulations and advanced analytical techniques in Matlab. Knowledge of typical neuroimaging data and the principal methods and software to work with them. Established international reputation. Proven record in international journal and international prizes.


SOFT PRO Synergy-based Open-source Foundations and Technologies for Prosthetics and RehabilitatiOn; OpenMaker; PRIN 2015 Aesthetics in the Brain: an interdisciplinary investigation on the functional and neural mechanisms mediating aesthetic experience.

Gross amount

Ricercatore tempo determinato (legge 240/2010 art. 24 comma 3 lettera a))


3 years

Job Research Area: 
Job Research Unit: 
Job Contract Type: 
Ricercatore tempo determinato (legge 240/2010 art.24 comma 3 lettera a) ) - Fixed term researcher
Preliminary shortlist
Preliminary shortlist
Third meeting of the Selection Committee

On January 22, 2018 in San Francesco Complex, Piazza San Francesco 19, Lucca.

Fourth meeting of the Selection Committee

On February 6, 2018 in San Ponziano Complex, Piazza San Ponziano 6, Lucca.

Selection procedure and criteria

Selection procedure conditions are transparent and are based on international standards.


A Selection Committee, appointed by the Rector, assesses all applications on the basis online application info. Applicants selected on the basis of the preliminary analysis are interviewed at the Job Market Meetings in which the Institute is planning to participate, if applicable to the specific academic sector. Alternatively, individual interviews may also be conducted at IMT or by conference call. Travel expenses to Lucca for the interview will be reimbursed.

Selection Criteria

The evaluation criteria are based on: Quality of research activity, including publications in peer-reviewed journals and references; Research organization experience and participation in international/national research projects and research periods in public and private institutions (academic and non-academic); Relevance of the candidate's profile for the development of IMT's research activities; Teaching, mentoring and supervision experience; Motivation; Excellent knowledge of English, both written and spoken; As well as any other requirements as specified in the advertisement.


Apply ONLINE only.

Before starting prepare the application attachments and information as listed below.


  • Personal info and contact info (compulsory)
  • University degree and Ph.D. (compulsory) 


  • Your CV in English (compulsory);
  • One research paper (published or working paper): compulsory.
  • A Research Statement
  • List of pubblications
  • Document ID or Passport