Behavioral economics, health economics, impact evaluation, experimental psychology, cognitive psychology, cognitive science, experimental philosophy, philosophy of science.
Two Research Collaborators on the project “Spinta gentile, vaccinazione anti-COVID-19 e salute pubblica” (SpinGeVacS: Nudges, COVID-19 vaccination and public health) funded by Regione Toscana. The project aims at collecting data about people’s beliefs, motivations, preferences, and behaviors in healthcare contexts. The goal is developing behaviorally-inspired tools to promote prosocial behavior (e.g., improving vaccination compliance among both the general population and healthcare professionals) and to improve transparent and trustworthy communication, decision-making and policy design (e.g., nudge and boosting interventions).
The ideal candidates will fit in at least one of the following profiles:
1) One junior researcher with a solid background in social/behavioral science, experience in designing and conducting experiments (e.g., RCTs) in the lab or in the field, and/or familiarity with quantitative methods for data analysis (e.g., causal modeling, counterfactual analysis); or
2) One junior researcher with a solid background in cognitive/behavioral science, familiarity with designing and administering questionnaires and/or qualitative studies, and documented experience in paper writing.
The Research Collaborators will join the SpinGeVacS project team, collaborating on experimental design and data collection, data analysis, and paper writing.
- Master's degree or equivalent;
- Good knowledge of English, both spoken and written.
1 year
€ 20.260,00/year
SpinGeVacS – “Spinta gentile, vaccinazione anti-COVID-19 e salute pubblica”, finanziato nell’ambito del bando di Ricerca COVID 19 di Regione Toscana con scorrimento di graduatoria di cui al decreto dirigenziale 8971 del 14/05/2021 mediante il ricorso al contributo regionale a valere sul Programma Attuativo Regionale cofinanziato dal FSC e al contributo a valere sui fondi FAR messi a disposizione dal MUR;
codice P0205, CUP: D69J21006470002;
Apply ONLINE only.
Before starting prepare the application attachments and information as listed below.
- Personal info and contact info (compulsory)
- Number of your Identity Document (Passport or Identity Card) (compulsory)
- University degree and ongoing PhD (compulsory)
- Your CV in English (compulsory)