Analysis of Post-quantum cryptographic protocols25 October 2024The National Institute of Standards and Technologies launched the Post-Quantum Cryptography project...
Modelling fatigue strength of metal parts, obtained with both traditional and additively manufacturing, taking into consideration the plasticity, and the effects of the pores and the roughness combined with the notch effect.24 October 2024In this presentation a brief recall is provided on the recent progresses in modelling the fatigue...
The Continuous Presence of the Past: Materializing and Personifying History in Madagascar18 October 2024History and heritage are materialized in architecture and objects, but they can also be personified...
Sequential Synthetic Difference in Differences16 October 2024We study the estimation of treatment effects of a binary policy in environments with a staggered...
From Afghanistan to European Auction houses: the smuggling and sale of stolen manuscripts. 14 October 2024The seminar will first survey the historical losses of manuscripts in recent times and the current...
Developments in Code Generation with CVXPY11 October 2024We introduce CVXPYgen, a tool for generating custom C code, suitable for embedded applications,...
Critique of pure Bayesian cognitive science11 October 2024Bayesian approaches to human cognition have been extensively advocated in the last decades, but...
Embedded Convex Optimization for Control10 October 2024Control policies that involve the real-time solution of one or more convex optimization problems...
Viscoplastic fluids of De-Kèe-Turcotte type. Poiseuille and Couette Flows.9 October 2024We consider the flow of a De-Kèe-Turcotte viscoplastic fluid in two configurations: planar...
Babies lead the way - what infant research brings to our understanding of vowel perception8 October 2024Vowels are produced and perceived very early in infancy and occupy a central role in speech...