Viscoplastic fluids of De-Kèe-Turcotte type. Poiseuille and Couette Flows.9 October 2024We consider the flow of a De-Kèe-Turcotte viscoplastic fluid in two configurations: planar...
Babies lead the way - what infant research brings to our understanding of vowel perception8 October 2024Vowels are produced and perceived very early in infancy and occupy a central role in speech...
Trustworthy, reliable and responsible AI: a conceptual quagmire4 October 2024The notion of Trustworthy AI (TAI) has become increasingly pivotal in academic and public...
Populations, Ecosystems, and their fluctuations: a network approach3 October 2024Natural ecosystems consist of a myriad of different types of organisms that, through their...
Can a single model account for both risky choices and inter-temporal choices? Testing the assumptions underlying models of risky intertemporal choice: A conceptual replication2 October 2024Luckman et al. (2018) experimentally tested the conjecture that a single model of risky...
Trustworthy AI and Decision-Making: A Rule-Based Approach2 October 2024AI systems are becoming increasingly integral to sectors such as healthcare, transportation,...
Successful Atonement? Victims of the Second World War and their Experiences with German Compensation1 October 2024Germany has paid reparations and compensation for racial persecution and war crimes since 1945, and...
Large language models, behaviour and cognition: Making sense of the new black boxes with old tricks (hands-on session)27 September 2024Artificial intelligence models have increased in sophistication in the past few years, and large...
Large language models, behaviour and cognition: Making sense of the new black boxes with old tricks (theorichal session)26 September 2024Artificial intelligence models have increased in sophistication in the past few years, and large...
Dynamics and GNC for autonomous proximity operation in the lunar space18 September 2024The seminar addresses the complex nonlinear dynamics of the Earth-Moon system, focusing on state-of...