Emiliano Ricciardi, M.D., Ph.D
Full Professor in Psychobiology and Psychophysiology (M-PSI/02)
Prof. Ricciardi studied Medicine and Surgery at the University of Pisa (Italy) and received his Ph.D. in Neurosciences at Scuola Superiore “Sant’Anna” (Pisa, Italy). Since 1998, he has spent more than two years at the Laboratory of Neuroscience/NIA and Laboratory of Brain and Cognition/NIMH at NIH (Bethesda MD, USA). At NIH, Dr. Ricciardi acquired expertise on the in vivo brain functional exploration methodologies, such as PET and fMRI, to study brain functions and brain functional response to sensory stimulation and cognitive/emotional activation in healthy subjects at different ages and in patients with neuropsychiatric disorders. He is currently leading EU-funded research projects to study the neural correlates of multimodal perception in sighted and congenitally blind subjects, and to conduct behavioral and brain functional observations during action representation and motor control.
Over 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters, and >200 abstracts at scientific meetings (Citations: 6,989; H-index: 41 from Google Scholar) https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=wST2W4MAAAAJ&hl=it
The research activity in brain imaging and cognitive neuroscience, mainly in the field of supramodal perception and sensory deprivation, is highly recognized at national and international levels
Director of the PhD Program in ‘Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences’, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
Delegate of the Director for Outreach, Third Mission and Disabilities, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
The youngest Chair of an Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Barcelona2010 and Rome2019)
Received several fellow travel and young investigator awards. Several invited lectures and oral presentations at international meetings and research/academic Institutions
Editorial Responsibilities for Neural Plasticity, Archives Italiennes de Biologie, Experimental Results and member of the Review Editorial Board of Frontiers in Cognitive Science
Fields of Interest
For many years, he has been conducting research in the fields of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychophysiology, and, in particular, in the assessment of in vitro and in vivo behavioral, structural and functional correlates of physiological and pathological brain function.
Cognitive and social neuroscience, psychophysiology, neuroimaging, cerebral biochemistry and metabolism
Use and development of brain functional exploration methodologies, such as positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), in combination with neuropsychological tasks and/or pharmacological agents to study brain functions and metabolism, and brain functional response to sensory stimulation and cognitive/emotional activation tasks in healthy subjects, and in patients with neuropsychiatric disorders
Neural correlates of visual, tactile and auditory perception and recognition in sighted and congenitally blind individuals; supramodal brain functional organization: sensory- independent object form perception, motion discrimination, spatial localization, action representation and semantic knowledge; cross-modal plasticity
Action recognition and representation; behavioral and functional correlates of motor control
Functional correlates of pharmacological modulation on memory and attention in young and older healthy subjects, and in patients with neurodegenerative disorders
Application of novel tools of brain functional data analysis, including multivoxel pattern analyses and functional/effective connectivity approaches