Let's help the University of Camerino #ilfuturononcrolla

6 dicembre 2016
The University of Camerino has been severely damaged by the earthquake that hit the city on October 26 and 30. Many buildings (administrative offices, including the Chancellor's office, laboratories and classrooms) are now unusable due to the earthquake. Despite the difficult situation, three hours after the first shock, on October 26, the University was open for the first inspections and launched the #ilfuturononcrolla hashtag, as a symbol of hope and rebirth. #ilfuturononcrolla is not just a hashtag, but also a concrete project, which the University wants to accomplish to restart its activities. In order to do this, the University launched a fundraising campaign. The funds will be used, among other things, to build the so-called International boarding school for meritorious students. The project was immediately backed by CRUI - the Conference of Italian University Rectors, which urged all the universities to do the same. Donations can be directed to (IBAN): IT09 Y060 5568 8300 0000 0014 851