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Being on the Border. History and Theory of Cut in Humanities and Social Sciences

da 26 novembre 2019 a 29 novembre 2019
San Francesco Complex - Piazza San Francesco 19, Lucca

LYNX - Center for the interdisciplinary Analysis of Images Winter School 2019

IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca is launching a Winter School that aims at critically analysing the multifarious notion of cut. The notion of cut plays a crucial role in different disciplines from the Humanities and the Social Sciences, among others, a circumstance that makes it an ideal subject for careful scrutiny and examination from both an historical and a theoretical perspective. The occasion is particularly favourable as the Winter School is contiguous with the international three day conference on John Ruskin to be held, among other locations, at the IMT School on 28th November. 


In partnership with: 

AIRSC – Italian Association for History of Cinema Studies;

ENCACT - European network on cultural management and policy;

SIE – Italian Society for Aesthetics; 

SISF – Italian Society for Photography Studies


In connection with the Conference 
Ruskin 200, “Unto this Last”. Memories on John Ruskin
(in partnership with University of Florence, Alma Mater Studiorum | University of Bologna, University of Verona, and The Ruskin – Library, Museum and Research Centre, University of Lancaster)

For more information visit the LYNX Winter School Website.