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Systemic effects of climate change on urban networks and resilience implications in large urban agglomerations Job Market Seminar

On May 18th 2016 IMT will sponsor a seminar series featuring candidates for the Assistant Professor position in Systemic effects of climate change on urban networks and resilience implications in large urban agglomerations.

Candidates will present recent research papers.

Please find below the agenda of the research seminars open to students and IMT faculty, and to all who would like to attend.

All presentations will take place in Conference Room, Piazza San Ponziano, 6.

NomeDaAUniversitàTitolo PresentazioneLuogo
Angelo Facchini 11:00 11:45 CNR-Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi Energy and material flows of megacities
Georgios Xydis 11:45 12:30 Research Fellow, SEALAB, Piraeus University of Applied Sciences, Greece Development of an integrated methodology for the energy needs of a major urban city: The case study of Athens, Greece