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Run-time Adaptation of Service-Based Applications

27 aprile 2011
Ex Boccherini - Piazza S. Ponziano 6 (Conference Room )
Service-based applications are considered a promising technology since they are able to offer complex and flexible functionalities in widely distributed environments by composing different types of services. These applications have to be adaptable to unforeseen changes in the functionality offered by component services and to their unavailability or decreasing performances. Furthermore, when applications are made available to a high number of potential users, they should also be able to dynamically adapt to the current context of use as well as to specific requirements and needs of the specific users. In order to address these issues, mechanisms that enable adaptation should be introduced in the life-cycle of applications, both in the design and in the runtime phases. The seminar is organized in three parts. In the first part the speaker will present design principles and guidelines that are suitable to enable adaptation, discussing their effectiveness of the proposed methodology by means of real-world scenarios over various types of service-based applications. In the second Bucchiarone will present a formal framework designed and implemented with the goal to adapt the execution of service-based business processes at runtime in case of context changes. He will conclude with a demo to show all concepts behind adaptation of service-based applications.